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Sundays @ Living Faith

Sunday Service @10:30am.  Every week we have fellowship, worship and a great message.
This includes Kids Zone for children K- Gr 4, 56'ers for Grads 5 and 6, and Jr. Kids Zone Babies to Pre-school (during the service).

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Monthly Prayer

Join us once a month at 7pm for prayer.  Check our calendar below for our next evening.

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Kids Zone & 56'ers Club 

Every other Tuesday from 3:30-5:00pm children in Kindergarten to Grade 6 are invited to this FREE club, where we have tons of fun making new friends and doing lots of different activities. 3:30-4:00pm is free play & snacks, and then kids split into their age-specific groups. Check calendar below for more dates.

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LF Youth 

Every night has a fun theme involving all sorts of wild & wacky activities! You'll also get to hang out with friends and have inspiring chats with the youth leaders. Bring along a friend and get ready to have a great time! Check calendar below for dates.

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Life Groups 

Life Groups are held bi-weekly. Together we dig into God's word and enjoy meaningful times of fellowship and prayer. Check calendar below for dates.

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The Loft

Join us one Sunday evening a month for a time of worship and waiting on God. It is an opportunity to grow in the gifts of the Holy Spirit and to encourage each other in our expression of them. Check our calendar below for upcoming dates and times.

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Men's Ministry

The men of this church gather in various ways. One week they will gather at a coffee shop or be seen eating breakfast together, while the next they are serving a community meal and praying over one another. There's something for every man! Check our calendar below for upcoming dates and times.


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